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Realm dashboard

The realm dashboard provides several metrics that provide you a high-level overview of realm activity.

Users and Orgs show a current count of Users and Orgs, respectively, in the realm.

The remaining charts all show data for the last 7 days by default. The time period can be extended to the last 30 days using the selector in the upper right.

These metrics all reflect data gathered from event activity. Even if your AuthRocket plan stores events for less than 30 days, you can still view 30 days of metrics.

Logins by Type shows a breakout of how users are authenticating, for example, whether they used a password, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. Hover over each segment of the chart to show the login type and count.

Logins shows the number of successful logins each day.

Users Created shows the number of newly created user records each day. Even if a user is subsequently deleted, it will still show as having been created for that date.

Failed Logins shows the number of failed login attempts for each day. Attempts that had an invalid username or that were rate-limited are not included.

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