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Orgs are AuthRocket’s term for the concept of Accounts. There are a variety of ways to map orgs to something that is meaningful to your app.

As their name suggests, an org can be an organization that numerous users belong to. This often fits well for B2B apps.

Orgs can be of any size or composition, which also makes them a great fit for teams, departments, or projects.

In B2C apps, orgs are often used to enable users to simply invite others to join their account. In this case, when creating each org, use the user’s name as the org name.

Orgs are also useful for families, neighborhoods, or any other type of grouping. Really, your imagination is the limit.

The list of orgs can be filtered by state (active or inactive) or creation date. If there is an active filter, the Filter button will be green.

Additionally, the list may be sorted by clicking on any column header. To reverse the sort, click on the column header a second time.

Orgs may also be bulk deleted by first selecting users using the icon at the left of each row and then clicking Delete at the top.

Adding and updating


The name of the org, group, team, or however you’re using orgs.


Indicates whether this org is active.


Reference is an optional ID that you can use to map the org to a corresponding resource in your app. If you store some kind of org or account record in your app, you might set that ID here (or alternatively, store AuthRocket’s org ID in your app record). This field is searchable via the API. Also see Custom attributes.

Custom attributes

Custom attributes may be added to any Org. These are useful for storing a variety of extra data about orgs.

These are a series of keys and values. Any scalar type, or array of scalar types] is valid for the value. Both keys and values are case-sensitive.

Types are mostly auto-detected. For example, 1 will be detected as an integer and
elephant will be seen as a string. To force a non-string to be stored as a string, use quotes: "1".

Custom attributes are not searchable. For a searchable field, use reference.

Managing orgs


While memberships do not necessarily have to have an org, only memberships that have orgs are manageable from the orgs view.

Permissions can be used for more than just permissions, but also as tags that describe the relationship between the User and the Org. See Memberships & Permissions for more.


Events connected to this org will also be shown. See Events for additional details.

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